Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to Communicate Better with Hosted VoIP

In the economy today, staying in constant communication with your company and your clients is a must. Clients expect fast responses and flawless communication. That is where Hosted VoIP can help. Hosted VoIP provides a great service in ensuring contact between all the parts of your business.

One great way communication is improved by a Hosted VoIP system is that it unites everyone. No matter where they are, all employees will be able to benefit from all the features provided. They can use their home offices as work offices because they can access all the features provided by this technology at home
Next, a Hosted VoIP system allows employees to get the same phone call on multiple phones. If someone calls their office phone, you can program it to call their cell phone at the same time with ease. No more missed phone calls because someone stepped out of the office for a few minutes. Though, if you did want to miss that phone call, Hosted VoIP also offers a hide me feature to send the call to voicemail.

Hosted VoIP also offers visual voicemail to everyone. No more checking your messages at home, work, and on your cell to see if you missed that important phone call. With the visual voicemail feature, all messages are in one spot and you can see who each of them are from too. This enables you to get to the important message you have been waiting for as quick as possible. 

A final, huge benefit of a Hosted VoIP system is on the go call swapping. Say you are on your office phone when you get an email to meet a client as soon as possible. With the call swap feature, you can simply press a button and it will swap the call to your cell phone so you can get on your way quickly.
Hosted VoIP can benefit your business greatly and make communication between your team and clients work seamlessly. Give it a try and see how it can benefit you today.