Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Scalability of Hosted VoIP – Quickly Adapting to Business Change

Has your business been unsteady lately? Is your company growing fast one minute and shrinking the next? One problem many small companies have is they do not know their company size will look like in a few years.  Bosses have a tough job of deciding what kind of phone system to implement because they need something that can be extremely flexible based on the amount of people they have working for them.  This is where a Hosted VoIP system can come in handy.

One main benefit of a Hosted VoIP system is you can add, remove, and edit all members of the system with ease.  If business has been picking up and you needed to hire more workers, thus adding more users on the phones, you can do it with ease.  Simply upgrade your Hosted VoIP service by adding more extensions and that is all.  If peak season is over and your company is going to be losing some employees, it is extremely easy to downgrade your service and save you and your company some money.  The great thing about a Hosted VoIP system is you can make it fit to exactly what your company needs.

Another great benefit of the ease of a Hosted VoIP system is that it is extremely cost efficient.  There is no need to hire anyone to come in and set up individual phones and coordinate the lines.  You and your company can save a great amount simply by not having to hire an IT person to maintain your telephone lines.  Simple tasks such as adding and deleting phone lines typically rely on someone with experience coming in and completing the job for you but with a Hosted VoIP system, these changes are done with ease.

Hosted VoIP provides many great benefits to your company in terms of scalability.  Visit our website or give us a call to see if a Hosted VoIP system is right for you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What TrueChoice Telecom Can Offer You

Want to know how to save as much as 40% on your phone services? Fill out the form and upload your bill on the TrueChoice website and find out how to start saving today. TrueChoice has over 65 providers all offering many great services for you to beat the prices of those normal providers and even offer more features. Also, learn a few reasons why TrueChoice Telecom is more than just a telephone service.

What are some options TrueChoice Telecom providers can offer? Well one great benefit is being able to set up a local phone number in many cities around the globe. This enables you to make phone calls with that area at the local rates for simply paying a monthly fee for that area’s phone number. This will enable business in cities you frequently deal with around the globe to not be harmed by outrageous international phone call rates. Also, having a local phone number will give various cities the feeling that you are a local business. Providing a local feel to your phone number can become a great benefit for business.

Another benefit of TrueChoice is their international phone call rates in the event you make frequent international phone call in an areas you do not have a local number for.  When making international phone calls, different providers charge different rates to receive and connect phone calls. If you are required to make phone calls to different countries, TrueChoice will help find the right plan and service for you to make phone calls at the most reasonable price you can. This can cut down on unnecessary costs behind doing international business.

TrueChoice Telecom’s providers are a great way to save you money on phone and data services. Check out our website, fill out the form, and start saving money on your phone services today. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Disaster Recovery with Hosted VoIP

When working in any industry, phone calls are a vital part of business. The last thing you and your company needs is to have business halted due to not being able to call clients or receive phone calls from potential customers. One huge benefit of a Hosted VoIP system is that you are able to access it anywhere. If for some reason you are not able to make it into the office, you will still be able to call clients like nothing ever happened.  

Offsite Call Capability Reduces Downtime

One great benefit of Hosted VoIP is the ability to always be able to make and receive phone calls. With Hosted VoIP you can program your office phone and cell phone to ring simultaneously or in a specific sequence. In the event of a disaster and you are unable to make it to your office, your cell phone will get the call instead ensuring no loss of customer service due to an unforeseen incident. This will greatly improve customer satisfaction knowing they can always reach you.

Cloud-based Information Provides Security

Hosted VoIP is a great service because all information is stored at an offsite location. Having all of your phone information stored offsite means never losing contacts due to a disaster in the office. Simply log in online and you can get the phone number of the important client you were supposed to call. One of the worst things a company can do is lose their customers information and this will ensure you never run into that problem. Disaster or not, you can always make that important phone call you needed to make.

Flexible Communication On-The-Go

A final way that Hosted VoIP can help you in the event of a disaster is with on the fly conferencing. This allows you to form an impromptu conference to explain a situation should a disaster occur. You can add and delete people from a phone call as needed to get the word out to employees faster. This will make things run much smoother in the event of a disaster.

Hosted VoIP can greatly help in the event of a disaster at the office and can make the transition run much smoother.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to Communicate Better with Hosted VoIP

In the economy today, staying in constant communication with your company and your clients is a must. Clients expect fast responses and flawless communication. That is where Hosted VoIP can help. Hosted VoIP provides a great service in ensuring contact between all the parts of your business.

One great way communication is improved by a Hosted VoIP system is that it unites everyone. No matter where they are, all employees will be able to benefit from all the features provided. They can use their home offices as work offices because they can access all the features provided by this technology at home
Next, a Hosted VoIP system allows employees to get the same phone call on multiple phones. If someone calls their office phone, you can program it to call their cell phone at the same time with ease. No more missed phone calls because someone stepped out of the office for a few minutes. Though, if you did want to miss that phone call, Hosted VoIP also offers a hide me feature to send the call to voicemail.

Hosted VoIP also offers visual voicemail to everyone. No more checking your messages at home, work, and on your cell to see if you missed that important phone call. With the visual voicemail feature, all messages are in one spot and you can see who each of them are from too. This enables you to get to the important message you have been waiting for as quick as possible. 

A final, huge benefit of a Hosted VoIP system is on the go call swapping. Say you are on your office phone when you get an email to meet a client as soon as possible. With the call swap feature, you can simply press a button and it will swap the call to your cell phone so you can get on your way quickly.
Hosted VoIP can benefit your business greatly and make communication between your team and clients work seamlessly. Give it a try and see how it can benefit you today.