Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top 10 Business Technology Trends of 2012

Amidst the economic struggles that continue to challenge businesses in 2012, technology is among the industries that is showing enormous opportunities for expansion.

Here are the top 10 business technology trends of 2012.

1. Social Networking For Business

Incorporating social network type communications has become one of the trendiest things to do for business. In fact it is becoming as common as email accounts for employees to be in touch with customers.

2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the technology that allows businesses to move information without costs or risks of physical transportation. Services and applications can be delivered while saving money.

3. 360 Security

Security in the cloud is provided by 360 Security. It secures both applications and corporate networks across the cloud.

4. Telepresence

Why would anyone go with telework, when telepresence is now available? It is one of the fastest growing sectors of business technology and it is predicted that it will be more so in a couple of years.

5. Borderless Businesses

There are no obstacles to delivering information between a business and their employees, suppliers, customers or partners because of the extended enterprise which borderless business creates.

6. High IQ Networks

On demand bandwidth is part of the smart network technology that businesses are now using and will continue to use in the near future. That manages costs at the same time it allocates the company’s resources.

7. Green Technologies

So much is being done to have businesses go green; not only because it is responsible, but it can also save them money. Less paper, cleaner cheaper energy, energy management and conservation can translate to great savings.

8. Visual Communications

Visual communication has a lot of advantages and nearly zero disadvantages. It makes tele-meetings possible and it makes it so that everyone is “face-to-face” in those meetings.

9. Smart Devices and Wireless Applications

Wireless applications are on the rise, but if you want to see the uptrend, then you have to look at the wireless application and information sharing between machines. Communication is better, and so are the results.

10. Future Vision

There is software now that can help a business learn from the past and see future trends. This allows companies to learn from those decisions and project where they will go in the future.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Advantage Of Getting Hosted VOIP From Your Connectivity Vendor Instead Of BYOB

One of the primary issues in the modern, ever-changing world of IT is simplification. IT professionals are continually looking for efficient solutions to help them reduce redundancies and headaches in all aspects of their work.  One of the newest, most exciting technologies which companies are implementing, often through their IT department, is VOIP (Voice Over IP).  VOIP is a cost-effective way to end traditional phone service and instead route it through their internet connections.  It’s a good idea to do a little research and learn about the type of services you’ll be selecting from for your company. 

There are two common problems with using a hosted VOIP provider separate from your data provider, or BYOB (bring your own bandwidth) vendor:
1. There can be problems with inefficiency.  It makes no sense to have to deal with a company for your data provider in addition to a VOIP vendor.  Twice the time is required to talk to at least two different company representatives.  If the hosted VOIP vendor you’re working with is also your connectivity vendor, the process is streamlined and efficient. 
2. There can be problems with unreliability.  When a company has an account with a connectivity provider which also provides VOIP services, the connectivity provider feels a strong responsibility for this client; however, BYOB providers only have one account with the client and thus don’t feel the same responsibility for their clients.

Nowadays, simply offering good services is not enough. Companies are looking for ‘solutions’ that will make work life simpler and more efficient. It’s also true that companies need bandwidth that can support their clients and that is fast. It is now expected that reliable service and exceptional customer care go hand in hand, but simpler and faster coordination also matters a great deal. In short, to obtain a simplified, streamlined, more efficient communications service, companies should turn to all-in-one vendors, such as TrueChoiceTelecom.com.